Screemin’ Eagles Newsletter

December ‘01

Well! The old year’s almost over.  This was quite a year.  For many of us, the 1st part of the year was dominated by preparation for and then the actual Trek.  That was a wonderful experience for all as both youth and adults alike grew physically, mentally and spiritually.  I’m sure many friendships where forged and testimonies of our Savior strengthened.

  The summer was non-stop though.  With barely a week’s rest, Scout camp was upon us.  With most all our Varsity scouts signed up, we had a large contingent of youth heading to Camp Parsons.  It ‘s near Hood Canal area and is a beautiful camp.  The boys had a great time and earned quite a number of merit badges and several rank advancements!                                Campfire at                       Parsons


The boys enjoyed crafts climbing and contests like the great foot & canoe race.

Then, with hardly a week breather, The Varsity Super trip was upon us.  To keep the cost down, we made ½ dozen pairs of crampons and borrowed some gear for the Mt Olympus Climb. Onward and upward!  Literally.  We finished the year with a major 50-mile mountaineering adventure climaxing with full glacier travel, rock climbing and a high peak. Those who joined, enjoyed a love and appreciation for Gods wilderness that few experience.  The hardships of the journey forged lasting bonds of love as the group pulled together to make the journey a success for all. I really could not have been prouder of how they selflessly helped each other out.

When I was 12 year old on my 1st 50-mile hike, I was a little ‘Tiny Tim’ if there ever was one.  I still don’t particularly care for that weight on my back and take every effort to minimize how heavy, how long and under what conditions and terrain it must be carried. So why do it? I know from long experience that there is real growth - physical, spiritual and emotional that can accrue.

We conduct all activities including high adventure as you read in DC 89 “Given for a principle with a promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak, and the weakest of all (scouts), who are or can be called (scouts). Join us for growth and the time of your life!


DEC 2001 Local Caving





C 7pm




C 7pm



Tallus Caves Tiger Mt Day Hike

C 9am



Sport night-Personal Fitness MB

C 7pm



No Activity



Bring sack lunch, BBQ for all provided at  3pm at Marquis’. Families invited

This month we will work on 3 eagle required Merit Badges.  Each scout should have these even if they have earned the alternates.                      May you and yours Soar with the Eagles

Scoutmaster Steve (, 557-1762 wk)  ( hm) (425-417-8083 Cel)