Screaming Eagles May News


            This and last month seems just filled with different opportunities for our boys. Last month we had war games.  One of our best ever.  Our parachute protected us from some drizzle as we sat around a nice campfire at night but come morning it was blue skies.  It was wonderful. I don't know about those "peace-keepers" though.  With names like "Trigger Finger Sypher" watch your back! A week later a few boys attended a Stake sponsored merit badge clinic and made some progress towards their next rank.

            This month seems packed.  One parent candidly told me she pushed her kids into sports and other activities rather that Scouts because she was afraid they had too much free time and Scouts didn't occupy enough of it.  I'd like to remedy that. Scoutings' function is fundamentally aimed at meeting Priesthood purposes. I think we do that better than any coach, drama class, band or what have you.  If you have suggestions, or you'd like to help us do an even better job, please let us know!

            On May 3-4 our garage sale fund raiser netted $680.  That's a good start.  Thank you all.  We had good participation from the "New Scout" patrol to the "Venture" Scouts. I understand a few parents and boys felt they had better things to do or more efficient ways to earn $.  That's OK, but our fund raisers go to pay for not just Super Trip expenses but day to day expenses as well; badges, camp fees, film and on and on.  At committee meeting, a request was made to create a budget.  This will be done by next committee meeting.  Based on that budget, each boy will be assessed a yearly dues.  He can pay it by cleaning horse stalls, mowing lawns etc. or by attending our fund raisers.  That seems the best way to be fair.  We are going to have one more Garage Sale on June 21,22.  Our ward as a whole donated very little last time - so we should be able to scavenge a lot more by June. Note: Parents can  also prepare food items as a way to participate. Put this on your calendar!

            One additional fund raiser (hopefully this will fill the bucket) is a bark sale. This will  take place June 1st. This has big $ potential - so be involved.  Watch for a separate flyer.


            Because of the Stake sponsored overnight on May 10-11, I will change the Rock climbing overnight trip to a day trip May 18th only.  We will leave from the Church at 8 am and deliver the boys to their homes by 5 pm.  Slots on the rock fill up early! Each boy should bring a lunch and 2 quarts fluid.

            I must apologies, that a few times I have not arrived on time.  Often, but not always, this is due to me trying to gather some stray sheep in for the trip.  I will redouble my efforts to arrive and leave on time.  In any case you only have "complainers privileges" if you have signed up to help on one of these trips.  Each parent is obligated to help out once per year for the privilege of having your boy in this troop; even women can help.


            For the Stupendous Sailing Super trip the Boys will all need to upgrade in their swimming skills, have their canoeing merit badge and this year their Small Boat Sailing Merit badge to participate in the San Juan Aquatic Adventure.  Make sure you avail yourselves of each opportunity.  We are teaching canoeing, swimming, lifesaving and sailing skills each Tuesday night with 2 mandatory campouts scheduled for June and July.  Your Scouts need to be  regularly attending  to get their requirements fulfilled. A $25 per person reservation fee is charged for this trip - due 6/2/96 at the next committee mtg.  Dads who plan on going must plan on at least one of the Sailing training camps  in June & July.

                                                                        May you and yours Soar with the Eagles



                                                                        Scoutmaster Steve




I                                                                                               hereby grant permission for my son                                                                     to participate in the Rock Climbing Trip 5/18/96.  If cannot be immediately reached in the event of injury requiring my sons medical attention Steve Marquis or Craig Boid or Mark Howard can act in my behalf regarding appropriate medical treatment.



